דף ראשי  \  חדשות הארגון  \  הפניה של ראש הארגון WKO, שיהאן קנג'י מידורי - אוקטובר 2014
חדשות הארגון

הפניה של ראש הארגון WKO, שיהאן קנג'י מידורי - אוקטובר 2014

Dear Branch Chiefs and Contacts WKO!

First of all, I would like to start my message by expressing my appreciation to all of you for your warm support for our organization. It is now autumn in Japan, and the weather is more refreshing and fit for training.
Various international tournaments were held in the 1 month after the end of August, and I very much enjoyed the Karate Dream Cup 2014 International Championship (August 23-24, Japan), the Mas Oyama Memorial Cup 2014 (September 6, Hungary), and the Asia Open (September 20, Malaysia), and each event left a special memory in my heart.
For each tournament, I would like to express my deep respect to the competitors for their hard effort in preparing for the competition, and for the high level spirit, technique, and physical strength each of them displayed at the big event. I would also like to express my respect and appreciation to the organizers of the tournaments, for their hard work in preparing and organizing the event, through close cooperation with the local community. 1,626 competitors and 29 groups (Kata) from 14 countries participated in the Dream Cup, and this tournament has grown to become one of the largest Full Contact Karate events held in the world this year, with children to seniors competing for the title in 69 categories.

The Mas Oyama Memorial Cup was held to mark the 20th anniversary of Sosai Oyama’s death, and with high level participants from various regions in the world, including those from non-Kyokushin groups such as Ashiharakaikan and JKJO, this was a tournament close to the World Cup, in terms of size and quality. A memorial training was also held during this visit, and all participants gave their best in this training, while remembering their special memory with Sosai. I hope that our Kiai reached Sosai in heaven. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Country Representative Jozsef Kaloczi and Executive Committee Chairman Janos Zsuga for their devotion and hard effort to organize this memorial event.

The Asia Open was an energetic tournament, demonstrating the rapid development of the Asia Region. Due to the hard effort of WKO Board Member J.B. Sujoto, the number of affiliated countries for the region is increasing rapidly, and this positive momentum was seen at this tournament. More than anything, I felt the strong determination and passion of the Branch Chiefs, to make WKO the best organization in the world. The competition level is rising at a steady pace, led by Kazakhstan. The positive development of the region seemed to have a positive effect on the actual organization of the event. I would like to express my deep respect to Branch Chief Kin Meng Chung for organizing this tournament. I look forward to the further development of the Asia Region.

WKO, with the daily dojo training of its members as its foundation, organizes various tournaments as a stage to compete the result of such training, and as a stage to widely announce and display our activities to the community. Through such steady activities, we acknowledge our mission of social contribution, nurturing youth, and international exchange, and we strongly wish to contribute to world peace. To thank others, and fully understand the meaning and value of human life. For individuals, each unique and important in the world, to connect each other in a circle of love. We are currently seeing brutal, horrifying images of regional disputes in the world through the media. We would like to reconfirm our determination to contribute to world peace, through mastering the Budo mind through our worldwide promotion of Full Contact Karate, left to us by Sosai Oyama.

Kenji Midori
President WKO


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